Eva Margui
Dr. Eva Marguí is an Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Girona and a member of the consolidated research group “Analytical and Environmental Chemistry (QAA)”. The QAA group has a wide experience in the development and validation of analytical methodologies for the determination of inorganic and organic pollutants in environmental matrices (water, soil, and plants) and also in the study of the interaction and transport of these pollutants within the environment in controlled laboratory and field conditions.
From the beginning of the 2000’s, Dr. Marguí led one of the research lines of the QAA group focused on the use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for the determination of trace amounts of metals and metalloids in different types of samples in many fields. Several analytical approaches based on the use of different XRF configurations including EDXRF (Energy dispersive XRF), WDXRF (Wavelength dispersive XRF), P-EDXRF (Polarized EDXRF) and TXRF (Total reflection XRF) have been developed last years for the determination of metals and inorganic species (speciation studies) at trace levels in complex liquid samples such as sea water, in vegetation samples and vegetal foodstuffs, in contaminated soils as well as in biological samples. A great part of her current research is focused on the development of simple and sustainable methods for multielement analysis of solid samples by TXRF and the development of microextraction strategies for the quantification of small amounts of interesting inorganic contaminants including metallic nanoparticles in water samples and extracts.
At present, Dr. Marguí is recognized as a world leader in this research field and during the last years several PhD and Postdoc students from European countries have joined her group in order to be trained in the use of XRF. Dr. Marguí is the co-author of more than 85 peer review publications and 120 conference presentations and she is a member of the management structure of the Cost Action 18130-European Network for Chemical Elemental Analysis by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence as the leader of the WG3: Sample treatment and analytical procedures.

Eva Margui
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
University of Girona
C/M.Aurèlia Capmany, 69
17003 Girona (Spain)
Phone: (+34) 648452182
Fax: (+34) 972418150
E-mail: eva.margui@udg.edu