Scope of the Conference

The biannual TXRF conference is a forum for experts and users of TXRF and related techniques. The scope is to jointly present and discuss recent advances, latest research, and new perspectives in different fields of TXRF from the fundamentals to the applications. As previous editions, the TXRF 2023 will bring together scientists, end-users, and manufacturers, being an excellent platform for networking and exchange.
History of the Conference
After long years of experimental work on instrumental development, the first International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (also known as TXRF conference) was held in 1986, in Geesthacht, Germany. Subsequently, seventeen more conferences have been organized in different countries on a biannual basis.
International Advisory Committee
A. von Bohlen, Germany
J. Boman, Sweden
L. Carvalho, Portugal
L. E. Depero, Italy
Y. Goshi, Japan
R. van Grieken, Belgium
J. Kawai, Japan
E. Marguí, Spain
G. Pepponi, Italy
P. Pianetta, USA
H. J. Sánchez, Argentina
C. Streli, Austria
K. Taniguchi, Japan
K. Tsuji, Japan
C. Vásquez, Argentina
P. Wobrauschek, Austria
M. A. Zaitz, USA
G. Zaray, Hungary